I didn't get my login details, how can I access the training?

After you placed your purchase, you will receive a Welcome email coming from "aidan@thelifestyleblueprint.com", as well as a separate email from "john-anderson@t.kajabimail.com"  with your member access details to The Lifestyle Blueprint Members Area.

Note: These emails may have landed in your spam/promotions folder, so do a search in all your mail folders.

If you still can’t find the email with your login details, please go to https://www.lifestyleblueprintmembers.com/login  and click the "Forgot Your Password" link to reset it. Use the same email address you used when you purchased the program.

Still didn't get the reset password link? In that case, please email support@thelifestyleblueprint.com and we’ll manually set it up for you.